y has it come to tis point of no return?
has it come to a point of no return?
e day i m so afraid of seems like comin very soon
nobody is doin anytin
cos nobody noes wat can b done
yes i miss tis
yes i don wana lose it
but wat can i do?
cos i noe its not workin
tats y i really dono wat i can do
can someone tell me wat to do?
i noe no one can tell me wat to do
my heart is so painful
but i cant show
i can show no one
i can tel no one
no point tellin
its really suffocatin
tats y i decided to write here.
nobody will understand
nobody understand
i m not talking because i dont know what to say anymore
i m not talking because i dont know what should i say anymore
i m not talking because i dont know what can i say anymore
i m not talking because i dont know what can be done
so whats the point in talkin anymore.
so i chose to keep quiet
and i shall be quiet from now on.
jus not gd
havin nitemares
recieved bad news abt my frens
not don my work gd enough
feelin tired
not been happy
feelin empty
will i ever get a true fren?
will everyting b fine?
do i do gd for my work?
suddenly everytin seems so far away...
n i feel all by myself
i m jus F-ck up
loh hor
its raining alot recently
where is e sun?
y so gloomy weather
i like rain
but i like e sun as well